My Purpose is to help evolve human consciousness
to be in harmony with the universe

I do this by leading a spiritual, regenerative, and joyous life – in service to and in community with others

Sun above clouds

My Theory of Transformation

We are at the beginning of an unprecedented global transition. Within the next few years we need to figure out how ten billion human beings can sustainably and purposefully live within the carrying constraints of a finitely resourced planet. This transition leads from the currently unsustainable path of human evolution to a holistically sustainable path, including environmental, social, financial and spiritual sustainability.

During this transition all systems will change: The education system, the transportation system, the health care system, regional systems, and – most importantly – the financial and economic system. The status quo of incremental and linear approaches to systemic issues like poverty, climate change, social justice and inequality is not sufficient much longer; it is now time to think outside the box, to co-imagine the future that we want and need, and to co-create it.

This requires an elevated and deeper awareness and consciousness – as humanity’s trajectory is to a large extent a reflection of the state of human consciousness. The responsibility of elevating human consciousness is squarely ours / mine. My purpose is to help evolve human consciousness to be in harmony with the universe. I do this by leading a spiritual, regenerative, and joyous life – in service to and in community with others.

Waves on rocky beach

My Theory of Change

In order to help evolve human consciousness, I focus on 4 intentions, which are all deeply inter-dependent, yet they also have their own beautiful way of expressing themselves:

  • I lead a spiritual life, a life of yoga and awareness.
  • I lead a holistically sustainable and regenerative life, a life in harmony with nature.
  • I lead a life in service to others, humanity and the planet.
  • I lead a life in community with others, staying meaningfully connected with loved ones and people committed to deep impact.

My path of moving along these intentions is the path of non-ego-based action – detached from the outcomes. I walk this path in ‘Yoga consciousness’: with joy, equanimity, humility and compassion – mindfully, conscious and aware. This is how I prepare myself for dying peacefully and mindfully – whenever the time comes. I approach my life’s intentions in a holistically integrated way.

My purpose is to help evolve human consciousness to be in harmony with the universe. I do this by leading a spiritual, regenerative, and joyous life – in service to and in community with others.

My Intentions for this Website

My intention with this Website is to inspire you and tens of thousands of others to reflect on the meaning of your own life; to inspire you to question the status quo, to inspire you to reflect about systemic change, and to inspire you to take action for deeper impact. This is a personal Website with personal content including my purpose, my intentions, my activities in the deep impact space, and selected speeches, interviews, podcasts, and articles. I am interested in hearing from you, in hearing your comments, reflections and suggestions. Thank you for stopping by!

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

Alan Kay

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‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.’ – Henry David Thoreau

acta non verba! (Deeds not words in Latin)

‘The first step in compassion is to notice the other’s need. It all begins with the simple act of attention.’ – Daniel Goleman

Sometimes it’s good and necessary to respond. Other times it is more appropriate to let things be. Wisdom is knowing the difference. Strength is abiding by that wisdom.

All photos without an explicit credit are by Charly, Lisa or Alex Kleissner.