Raiffeisen Magazin Kompakt: Reich und Gut
By Christine Frei
OOOM Magazin Nr 24/25 2023-2024: Der Vorreiter
by Christina Zappella-Kindel
Pioneers Post: Deep impact – or just managing risk? Pathways from ESG to investing for systems change
by Christina Moehrle
Die Wirtschaft: Klimawende ohne Spaltung
by Alexandra Rotter
Medium: Humanity and Impact Investing at the Crossroad: Personal Reflections and Call to Action
by Charly Kleissner
Panorama for European Forum Alpbach: Alternative Financing for the Emerging Impact Economy
by Charly Kleissner
Next Generation Leadership Program – Impact Report: Preface
by Charly Kleissner
Interview for Bethnal Green Ventures: ‘Charly Kleissner on Investing in Tech For Good’
by Milly Shotter
Die Presse: ‘Geld allein rettet die Welt auch nicht’
by David Freudenthaler